004 The Job of a Man

Good Monday Morning!

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I couldn’t resist having fun with Job’s name, because the title isn’t the job of a man like a job we work. Instead, this week I want to connect with parts of Job the man of the Bible that allow us to look at our own relationship with the Lord.

Verse of the Week:  There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job, and that man was blameless and upright, one who feared God and turned away from evil. Job 1:1

Job 1:1 captures the most important thing about Job - his character. He’s 1 of only 4 in the Bible specifically labeled with the character distinction - “blameless”

Man of the Week: Job. Described as the richest, wisest man of the east. He loved the Lord, offered daily sacrifices for his 10 kids, just in case they sinned. Then - when Satan looked for one to destroy, God offered Job. That day Job lost what I call his 401k, his job, houses - every material possession. Next, he became sick & was covered with sore boils. More happened but in the end God returned his losses twofold & gave him 10 more kids. Here are 5 character lessons we can take from Job’s character in trial:

  1. No Text. No Memo: Satan was looking for 1 to destroy, God offered Job and ultimately Job did hold on to his faith. If you skip to the end of the story you’ll see Job gets all his losses back in ch 42. But, not before he lost everything, while it’s happening or even when all was restored, is there mention that God explained to Job why he lost everything. Likewise, you may never know why you went or are going through “it” yet like Job we maintain godly character in what doesn’t make sense.  

  2. In You God Trusts: We trust in God but God also trusts us 🤔. God could’ve picked anyone for Satan to mess with but God trusted Job. Ever wonder why you’re the 1 that’s lied to, mistreated, hurt…, maybe God trust’s you with it…Lord, trust me to honor you in the insults of life.

  3. Trust God, Not People: On the worst day of his life, Job’s wife told him to curse God & die. What happens when those closest to us, disappoint us the most? Acknowledge hurts & disappointments, be real about what’s real AND keep your faith in the Lord. If Job’s faith was in his wife, he would’ve gone down when she went down. Wow! I feel all of that - personally. By maintaining his faith in the Lord he ultimately restores his family...Lord teach me to maintain my faith in you & be a blessing to those connected to me. 

  4. Many Questions. No Answers: Job lost all in ch 1, got sick in chapter 2. For 36 chapters Job’s friends had opinions on what he did, didn’t do & who’s at fault, then, God speaks in ch 38, I summarize His position like this: Job & his 3 friends are talking about God but no one is talking to God. To underscore Job’s waste of 36 chapters of his life, God asks 60 questions but Job can’t answer any of them! God help me not to waste chapters of my life reasoning with those that don't know the reason, when I could just ask you…

  5. Ask: Before God restores Job’s losses He tells Job how to also restore his 3 friends. x2 (+) He gives Job 10 more children. God also tells Job’s friends how they can be restored but not until Job asks. God knows & tells the solution, but He ain’t doing it until we ask Him. Lord, develop that humility in us, to stop spinning our wheels, teach us to ask You for the solution only you have & know. 

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