- But Grow in Grace and Knowledge
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- 003 But - Grow in Grace and Knowledge of...
003 But - Grow in Grace and Knowledge of...
Good Monday Morning! Welcome to week 3 of the But Grow in Grace Newsletter. This week, I want to pull apart and share 2 Peter 3:18, the verse that the name and aim of this newsletter for men comes from.
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18
Peter wrote at least 2 letters to persecuted and pressured Christians. The 1st letter was to encourage, his 2nd letter was to correct false teaching that was confusing Christ’s followers.
Seems like not much has changed. As it was then, it is today, and always will be that we need to tighten our understanding of the truth of Christ and then apply it to our lives - consistently. As men, pushed and pulled in many directions: we can’t be and do much of much without growing and deepening in Christ consistently.
Peter challenges you and I to a life of contrast. So verse 18 starts with a “But”, which is a crystalizing point of contrast between what others are about & doing and what Christ centered men focus on.
…There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures. You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, take care that you are not carried away with the error of lawless people and lose your own stability. 2 Peter 3:16b-17
We don’t need a poll to tell us, ignorant and unstable twisting the Bible to our own destruction, in jeopardy of being carried away is not where we want to be. In contrast of ignorance & instability, But grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…
It's a straightforward statement to grow in grace and knowing Christ. It’s also super hard to just grow...
2 weeks ago I bought a Red Japanese Maple Tree because I’ve wanted one my entire adult life. This tree was struggling a little bit so it was 50% off. So I bought it, dug a hole, dropped it in. But - I didn’t then just walk away. I studied how to take care of a Red Maple tree and I started watering my tree as it needed.
Likewise we don’t just grow in Christ on command. Like my new prized tree we need specific watering, nutrients and care. And all that is in our relationship with Christ. Here then are a few observations from Peter’s closing words to Christians under pressure:
But: in contrast, instead of the ignorance (unknowing) & instability of the past, Christ centered men desire to be different & grow from what we’ve been or in some areas of life we still are. But…
Grow in the Grace: In my 20’s I grew in womanizing, night clubbing & making money; in my 30’s I grew in being a husband, father, entrepreneur and golfer, in my 40’s… - I could keep going but you get the point. We can grow & be steeped in all sorts of things. But now as we grow as Christ centered men, in all seasons of life grow in grace. In this context, “Grace” reflects the kindness and favor of Christ. That’s what we are growing in.
and Knowledge: You're important, you're busy and you have a lot going on. Those are the reasons we need a few minutes every day to open up the Bible read and meditate on who Christ is and what He is personally leading you in to and out of.
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: Simple prayer. Lord teach me who you are as my Lord and my Savior…
To Him be the glory: My spiritual walk changed the day I learned most uses of “Glory” in the Bible = weight, heaviness, significance. To Christ be all the weightiness, all the significance. It’s what we live for, in contrast to ignorant, instability, “To Him be the glory”
both now & to the day of eternity: Peter was writing to immediate stuff while talking of future hope in Christ’s return. He’s coming back, we have a future hope while living in His significance now…
Amen. But, growing in grace and knowledge of Christ for His glory now & forever is important. I agree. You agree? If so, then say Amen. I can’t hear you 🤣but God does 😇
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Grow in Grace,
P.S. This was so much fun to think through & write for you. I am going to make this the 1st post new subscribers receive…thanks for reading!